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2025/2026 Registration Information


Stratford School is full in planned classes from Kindergarten to Grade 9 in the Cogito program. If you are registering for Kindergarten or if you are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.

Families interested in attending the Cogito Program at Stratford School are encouraged to read the information on the Alternative Programs page under the "Programs" tab.


If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online using any device that you use to access the internet. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.

If your child is currently attending an Edmonton Public School, please wait until pre-enrolment available on FEBRUARY 3, 2025 on SchoolZone.

For parents who select Stratford School from another Edmonton Public School in SchoolZone and for parents new to Edmonton Public applying for Grade's 1 to 9, please send in your child's most recent report card to stratford@epsb.ca as part of the registration process.

Parents will also need to upload documents (please see Examples of Accepted Documentation for All Registrations for a list of acceptable documents) that help us confirm their child’s legal name, citizenship, birth date and home address using the online registration form.

Following the close of pre-enrolment at 4:00 p.m. on MARCH 19, 2025, should there be more Cogito applications than there is space, the school will follow a random selection process.

Once you have submitted a completed and signed digital registration form, you will receive an email confirming the form has been submitted. 

The school will not be calling you unless they need some supporting documentation for the registration.



Legal proof of student’s age and name:

  • Canadian provincial birth certificate
  • Canadian citizenship document
  • Permanent Resident Card (front and back)
  • Canadian Passport

Two Confirmation of Address:

  • Driver's license
  • Utility bill
  • Home insurance
  • Property tax bill
  • In some cases, immigration documents (e.g. landed immigrant documentation or a Permanent Residence Card) may also be required. Visit Citizenship and Immigration Canada for more information.
  • In some cases, you may be asked to provide more than two of the above. 


Returning Cogito student registration

Families of returning Cogito students are encouraged to pre-enrol through SchoolZone before March 19, 2025, for the upcoming school year. 

Sign in to SchoolZone between 9 a.m. on FEBRUARY 3 and 4 p.m. on MARCH 19, 2025 to select your child’s preferred school for the 2025-26 school year. 

When you sign in to your parent SchoolZone account on your computer, tablet or smartphone:

  • Choose Next Year
  • Select the name of the child you are pre-enrolling
  • Follow the instructions to select your child’s preferred school for next year


Once you have submitted your completed student registration form and supporting documents, we will review all of the documents. This does not mean your child has been enrolled at the school

Parents will be notified by phone as to if there child was successfully or not successful in the random electronic draw process by April 11, 2025.

We will contact you if we need clarification about any of the documents you submit.


  1. Siblings (new to cogito) of existing students at Stratford School.
  2. Cogito students from other Cogito Schools
  3. Resident Students
  4. Non - Resident Students


Interested in busing?  Please follow this link to learn more about the Student Transportation department.

Busing requests for the 2025-2026 School year are due by June 1, 2025 in order for busing to begin the first school day, September 2, 2025. 

To view Stratford School’s designated busing area, please view our Transporation Page.