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  • School Philosophy

    School Philosophy

    Respect, Responsibility, Results

    Stratford School encourages and supports ALL CHILDREN in pursuit of their fullest learning potential. We are committed to providing opportunities for children to achieve at their highest level of academic, creative and life skills abilities. We believe this is best accomplished in an enriched environment that is safe, secure, stable and nurtures respect for each other and a love of learning. Success, in reaching each student's learning potential, requires the teamwork of students, staff, parents and community, and a committed partnership between home and school.

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Welcome to the website for Stratford School. Stratford is a learning community of over 770 students in Kindergarten through Grade 9. We house the Cogito Alternative Program.

For the 2024-2025 school year, Stratford School is full in planned clases from Kindergarten to Grade 9 in the Cogito Program.

We will no longer accept enrolment requests for thse grade levels in the program.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.

*Due to optimal enrollment in our school, we do not have an open house night.*

Cogito is a knowledge-based program with clearly defined standards of achievement and measurable learning objectives. Cogito is dedicated to helping average students maximize their academic potential. Cogito (ko-gi-to) is Latin for I reason. The program provides a classic liberal arts education and is designed for the student who is willing to work to achieve a high level of academic excellence in a knowledge-based program, and in a teacher-directed atmosphere of structured and sequenced learning. Critical thinking is stressed. Students work in an environment that promotes self-discipline.

Stratford Exterior


Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. It is an honour and a privilege to be appointed as the principal of the Cogito alternative program at Stratford School and home of the Eagles. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such wonderful students, supportive parents and dedicated staff.

On behalf of all staff, I am pleased to welcome back all of our returning families and extend a warm welcome to all who are new this year. I look forward to getting to know and working with all of our families over the coming year.

Respect, Responsibility and Results are the 3 Rs that guide our teaching and learning as we strive to realize the Division’s Vision of Transforming the Learners of today into the leaders of tomorrow. Stratford is a school with an outstanding, well-deserved reputation for excellence in both academics and citizenship. Our strong professional staff offers high-quality learning opportunities for every student, with the context of the rigorous demands of the Cogito program. Cogito offers students learning possibilities that go beyond the Alberta Program of Studies, in a structured environment that fosters the growth of strong study habits and self-discipline.

In order to ensure your child has the very best education, it is important that we keep the lines of communication open at all times.  Education is truly a collaborative effort between the home and the school as you have valuable information that will assist us in programming for your child.  We appreciate your input, your bouquets and your suggestions for change.

Although this year proves to be challenging, I believe the strength of our community will persevere as we co-create learning together.


Shane Dzivinski